Monday, November 16, 2009

How do you propagate Camelias?

I would like to get some cuttings from a friend's camelia if it can be rooted somehow.

How do you propagate Camelias?
We take cuttings in July - we let the spring growth get mature enough to root without rotting. I take a 3-4 inch cutting and strip all the leaves off EXCEPT the top two. I use Rootone F powder to ensure that the cutting roots and does not rot. You can also use Hormodin powder or liquid. For my soil, I use a mixture of finely ground pinebark and sand. Make a small hole for the cutting so you do not rub the Rootone off when you plant it. I would use a small pot and keep the cuttings in the shade and moist, especially the foiliage. You can set your new CAMELLIA plant out in your yard the following spring. Remember, they like shade, well-drained soil and acid.

new year lily

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